An Italian Easter
Easter is one of the most significant times of the year in the Italian calendar, second only to Christmas. Traditionally a religious holiday commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is oftentimes celebrated as the season of new beginnings, coinciding with the arrival of spring. The celebration brings with it its own set of customs, traditions and, of course, delicious festive treats.
Customs and Traditions
While Easter begins on a different day every year, the main festivities always take place over the course of a long weekend. The celebration of the Via Crucis, or The Stations of the Cross, is held on Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, in none other than Rome’s Colosseum. This reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is lead by the Pope and stops at each station to pray and reflect on the suffering of Christ that ended with his death. A must-see for anyone visiting Italy for Easter, it is a tradition that is celebrated throughout the country’s different cities and towns on a smaller scale.
Easter Sunday, better known as Pasqua, is spent with family, while Easter Monday, or Pasquetta, is usually celebrated alongside friends. The phrase “Pasqua con i tuoi, Pasquetta con chi vuoi” is often used among Italians, which translates to “Easter with your parents, Pasquetta with whoever you want!” While most people spend Pasqua at home or go out for a meal with family, Pasquetta usually sees friends packing up their leftovers and heading to parks to enjoy picnics outdoors and soak up the good weather.

Traditional Easter Food
As with all other Italian occasions, each region has its own cuisine, but there are a few things that are eaten throughout the country. Roasted Lamb, or “Agnello al Forno”, is a staple at the Easter lunch or dinner table. The dish symbolises the sacrifice of Jesus and is frequently served with roasted potatoes and vegetable dishes like artichokes and asparagus. Another popular dish is "Torta Pasqualina" or Easter pie. This is a savoury pie filled with spinach, ricotta cheese and eggs. It is traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday for lunch or as a starter.
Easter time, however, is arguably better known for its desserts. After your meal, you may opt for a slice of Colomba di Pasqua, a sweet, yeasted cake that is shaped like a dove. Often compared to Panettone, its Christmas counterpart, Colomba is topped with almonds and sugar. A symbol of peace and love, it is often given as a gift during the Easter season. Colomba is delicious on its own, but it can also be served with berries, spreads, cream, or chocolate on top. Our Lina Stores Delicatessens and online shop offer a variety of different flavours!

Another festive treat is the Uova di Pasqua al Cioccolato. These chocolate Easter eggs fill the shelves of shops and bakeries all over Italy. They are brightly decorated and often filled with surprises!
We have just launched our Easter collection on our online shop which brings together some of our favourite products. From Colomba Cakes to Croccante and Biscotti, along with an array of delicious Easter chocolate eggs in different coloured wrappings, we've got everything you need for the perfect Italian Easter celebration.

Order the perfect gift for someone special this Easter. For local deliveries, place your order by noon on the 28th of March for delivery on the 30th and for nationwide deliveries by midnight on the 24th for delivery on the 28th to receive your delivery in time for the celebration.
Buon Pasqua!